The Kahn Companies: Dynamometers, Dehydrators, Dryers, and Hygrometers The Kahn Companies: Dynamometers, Dehydrators, Dryers, and Hygrometers

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For information about this former product line, please contact Rotronic Instrument Corporation at 631-427-3898.


Kahn manufactures and distributes a full line of precision hygrometers using the most accepted, proven technologies. Kahn hygrometers measure moisture in a broad variety of gases from vacuum to 6000 PSIG. Featuring more than 10 models, the Kahn product line can measure dewpoints from -120°C to +130°C (-184°F to 266°F). More information can be found in our hygrometer product line brochure. Please click on the following link:

Hygrometer Brochure

A Choice of Technologies:

In addition, you get the flexibility of local, remotely installed, or portable hygrometers rugged enough for any industrial environment. Kahn also offers the latest in dewpoint transmitters with both analog and digital outputs to your computer or PLC. All Kahn hygrometers offer traceability to national and international standards.

Our off-the-shelf and custom-designed calibration equipment will allow you to easily verify sensor performance or even outfit an entire metrology laboratory.

Opti-Cal Brochure

We invite you to compare our technical advantages. You will find that, feature for feature, Kahn Instruments sets the standard in moisture measurement.


  • Compressed Air Monitoring - Hygrometers are used to measure the dewpoint at the outlet of desiccant and refrigerated air and gas dryers to insure the air is correctly conditioned.

  • Natural Gas Processing - Intrinsically safe portable and stationary units are used to measure the Pounds of Water per Million Standard Cubic Feet of Gas (#/MMSCF) throughout the production, transmission and distribution phases of natural gas processing.

  • Hydrogen Generators - Electric utilities monitor the dewpoint of hydrogen cooling gas surrounding turbine generators.

  • Semiconductor Manufacturing - Dewpoint measurement of inert gases to the low parts per billion (ppb) level allows wafer and component manufacturers to produce high-quality parts.

  • Sulfur Hexafluoride Monitoring - Sulfur hexafluoride (SF6) gas is used as an insulator in circuit breakers and transformers. Kahn hygrometers monitor the dew point of the SF6 to insure its integrity as an insulator.

  • Hygrometer Calibration - Kahn optical hygrometers are used as transfer standards to calibrate on-line and portable hygrometers throughout industry.

  • Local Representatives
    Click here for a list of distributors & representatives throughout the US, Canada, and Mexico.

    Satisfied Customers

    Amoco Pratt & Whitney Aircraft
    Cargill Rohm & Haas
    Consolidated Edison Tennessee Valley Authority
    Duke Power Texas Instruments
    Ford Transwestern Pipeline
    General Dynamics U.S. Navy
    General Electric IBM
    Intel Lockheed Martin
    NASA National Weather Service (NOAA)

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    Adsorptive Systems
    Hydraulic Dynamometers

    Dynamometers, Dehydrators, Dryers, and Hygrometers
    Phone: (860) 529-8643
    Fax: (860) 529-1895
    © Copyright Kahn Licensing LLC